PostScan Mail 应用

PostScan Mail 3.7
PostScan Mail
Get your mail and packages delivered to you online through avirtual mailbox.
PostScan Mail Operator 2.9
PostScan Mail
Once you join PostScan Mail's growing network of virtualmailboxproviders, use this app to easily scan and assign incomingmail toyour new customers. HOW IT WORKS Scan the outside ofincoming mailand assign each item to a customer. Customers getnotified of newmail, then make requests for further handling ( &scan, forward, or recycle). AUTO-IMAGE CROPPING Whilescanning, theapp automatically detects the edges of the mail itemand crops theimage appropriately. BULK ASSIGNMENT For customers whoreceivemultiple mail items in the same day, scan and assign alltheir mailitems together.
PackageGo 2.5
PostScan Mail
FREE US ADDRESS Available 24/7/365 for inbound packagedelivery.Unlimited Packages UNLIMITED PACKAGES Receive and ship asmanypackages as you want. Discounted Shipping DISCOUNTEDSHIPPINGLowest shipping rates available in the industry. FriendlySupportFRIENDLY SUPPORT Available whenever you need us, for anyrequest.